BooChi Kombucha
The Live One
Here at Bodega Ldn, you can choose between our light, sparkling, perfectly packaged Counter Culture booch or our favorite live one BooChi.
We've selected our top three flavours, but there are more to explore, so let us know if you want to go on that adventure.
Yes, live, unpasteurised kombucha is more rambunctious, it has an almost instant gut-debloating effect; it's not entirely suitable if you're on the wagon, due to the fermentation process, but it is just fine for kids.
We love this female-owned brand
Organic Kombucha: Fresh Strawberry To Replenish
Delicious fresh strawberry kombucha packed with vitamin C, fiber, antioxidants and more! Think of non-alcoholic Pimms on a summer’s day!
Organic Kombucha: Fresh Mint To Reive
Infused with this calming and soothing super herb fresh mint cuts through the acidity of the kombucha to give a slightly sweet, bright, extremely refreshing taste leaving you wanting more! This incredible leaf is high in antioxidants and great for the tummy.
*this one has won taste awards*
Organic Kombucha: Korean Ginseng To Boost
Infused with this immune boosting spice, rich in earthy undertones, enhancing the original kombucha flavour.
This powerful plant root has energising properties and can help restore vitality